Brand Assets: are here step by step with all explanations.
1- Brand Name:
A catchy name with beautiful Favicon is the need number one for any brand.
A Logo with a high resolution and transparent background is the topmost demand as for brand asset number one element.
3- Story:
A successful brand story should be based on theory. A complete impressive historical background who can easily define the brand need assessment.
4- Message:
A brand message should be a comprehensive note who signifies the future direction of that very brand.
5-Color Scheme:
Colo scheme of a brand should be charming clicking who can create an emotional link of the client with that very specific brand product easily directly.
Fonts speakers about your brand. Scripts fonts present beauty and while Modern Text fonts are futuristic touch. A few popular fonts include,
.- Time New Roman.
.- EB Garamond
.- Lora.
.- Play Fair Display.
Brand Blurb is a creative writing paper of the brand that creates the link between the product and civilized societies. Demonstrates need for that product according to the best time of launch.
8- Tagline:
A tagline is a memorable motto or phrase that creates a permanent expression of the brand in the market for a greater purpose or mission.
9- Mascot:
An animated object can be a figure, animal, symbolic in nature, that stands as its representative. It is a link that stands between your brand and your brand audience.
Brand Topography is visual elements of your brand style guide or a brand book, Brand topography is not like a brand font or typeface, they all are interlinked & closely Topography palette helps to tie in one all links together directly from the copy on your website & mail to through to your logo, creating brand integrity & consistency, and memorability.
11- Type Face:
Typeface stands for a group of character numbers and letters that shares the same design, for example, Garamond. Ariel and Times.
A brand slogan is an advertising tool, that conveys the brand spirit in the shortest time and style. Examples of Brand slogans are,
1- Coca-Cola…… Open Happiness.
2- Apple……Think Different.
13- Shape:
In logo design, different shapes create different cognitive impressions so the logo maker should choose the logo shape according to product group and value.
Examples of Brand shape:
1- Coca-Cola bottle shape.
Customers associates their emotions with these elements.Build on your brand with these simple steps for better Brand Asset results
1- Specify the imagery and iconography that form your visual style.
2- Use logo guidelines to create the brand signature.
3- Finalize your topography hierarchy.
4- Include your brand's core color palette.
Importance of Brand Asset Management:(B.A.M)
Brand Asset management is very important for all businesses because a brand provides identity to the product and the brand increases sales so proper brand asset management is the central part of any business. Brand Asset management is very important for a successful business.
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