Robo-Sonic Expo 2024 April 21-29, Istanbul/Turkey. Scheduled Technology Plate Form.

                                    Robo-Sonic Expo 2024 April 21-29, Istanbul/Turkey

                                                  Scheduled Technology Plate Form


  • Robo-Sonic is a Brand name. Latest Technology Products Like Robots are facing Problems in the market of sales, there was a need to create the trust of consumers and create better emotional appeal with technology Products. So the need was assessed to launch a First Technology Brand in the World. That is ROBO-SONIC. The owner and Founder of this Brand is Maimoona Iram From Pakistan. 

    Functional & Practical Meaning of Robo-Sonic: 
  •  Machines that are formed with multiple technology collaborations like Artificial Intelligence, Mechanics, Automation, and Programming, are called the Robo-Sonic

  • in-market of sales.

  • Dictionary Meaning of Sonic:
  •                                    Denoting, related to, r of the nature of sound or sound waves.

  • Comprehensive Meaning:
  •                             Utilizing, produced by, or relating to sound waves sonic altimeter broadly: of or involving sound sonic pollution.2: having a frequency within the audible range of the human ear used for waves and vibrations.

  • Literature Meaning:
  •                             Thus, art research as sonic fiction is a generative fiction, rather than a referential fiction it is designed from the actions of its materiality, not as a description of reference of an object as a source, but as the visible shape of the process itself.

  • Sonic in Grammar:  
  •                               Sonic is an ADJECTIVE.

  • Sonic Animal:
  •                         Hedgehog. The speedy blue Hero SONIC takes his inspiration from the humble hedgehog. And this Animal is the Mascot of the ROBO-SONIC BRAND.

  • There are seventeen different species of hedgehog around the world-but for as we know, and none of them can run as fast as sonic. Sonic pals are echidna, and the tail is a fox.


  • Now the next step for this Brand was a Better Collaboration of the Companies that are Manufacturers of the Latest Technology Products Like Robots. For better collaboration with the world of technology manufacturers, we are organizing the Distinctive & unique project exhibition. And this is Scheduled Plate Form For Engineering Students, and for other communities involved in indirect or direct research in technological innovations.


Creative, Innovative, Dynamic, a project designer, I love the work of Event Management and Project Designing and Organization of Projects.

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