#Categories of Brands

 Categories of Brands

"Where every brand finds its niche, and every niche finds its brand."

Categories of Brands

Brands can be arranged in different ways in light of various standards. Here are a few normal orders:

Item Classification: Brands can be ordered in light of the kind of item they offer, like hardware, style, food and refreshment, car, and so forth.

Market Situating: This arrangement thinks about where the brand stands comparative with its rivals concerning valuing and quality. It consolidates excess brands, premium brands, economy brands, etc.

Brand Designing: Brands can be requested considering their picture plan, which consolidates groupings like corporate brands (e.g., Coca-Cola), thing marks (e.g., Coca-Cola Zero), and hybrid brands (e.g., Nestlé KitKat).

Brand Character: Brands can be requested considering the person they portray, for instance, venturesome, refined, unpleasant, etc.

Brand Ownership: Brands can be arranged considering who claims them, as independent brands, helper brands, or co-brands.

Brand Augmentation: This order thinks about whether the brand has expanded its presence into various item classifications. For instance, Virgin began as a record name and ventured into carriers, cell phones, and then some.

Brand Character: Brands can likewise be classified in light of their personality components, like logos, mottos, tones, and symbolism.

Brand Notoriety: Brands can be arranged in light of their standing, like trustworthy brands, questionable brands, or challenger brands.

These are only a couple of models, and there can be a lot more ways of sorting brands in light of explicit measures or industry settings.


Creative, Innovative, Dynamic, a project designer, I love the work of Event Management and Project Designing and Organization of Projects.


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